PR Opportunity

The President 's decision not to sign the current Icesave legislation was necessary and will prove to be historic for one simple reason.  His action has done what  ALL the current Icelandic politicians have failed miserable to do- thrust the Icesave debacle to the forefront of foreign new services and foreign governments, bringing wanted attention to strengthen Icelands position and weaken the British and Dutch position. The President's actions, even if accidental or unintentional, are helping Iceland's reputation and might help avoid a blunder that will burden the Icelanders with massive debt for decades. This is truly a positive PR opportunity.


GTB Lipietz: Veikur málstaður
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1 Smámynd: Guðmundur St Ragnarsson

Thank you for this Gregg. I agree with you very much so.

Guðmundur St Ragnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 16:51

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