Almost 6.000.000 kr a Word!

tre-inntak.pngThe news it that the Þjoðfundur (National Assembly)was under budget at around 92.000.000 kr. This is amazing considering  the good thing that came out of this meeting. And here it is. The result of all that hard work: a mind map with an incredible 8, yes EIGHT! categories . That works out to be 11.500.000 kr. a category. There are a total of 16 words on the mind map. I am not including "og" or "Íslands" but am being generous and allowing "land" and "þjoð". That works out to be almost 5.750.000 kr. a word. I won't bother to calculate how much all this costs per letter. With such "ground-breaking" ideas like "mannréttindi" and "lýðræði", I am amazed the meeting didn't cost twice as much.  Just another example of money well spent in Iceland. No wonder there is no money for the hospitals.


GTB Kostnaður lægri en áætlun
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Hilmar Þór Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 9.11.2010 kl. 23:52

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