Obstruction of Justice
29.10.2010 | 21:13
Such typical American arrogance. Imagine if 6 Icelanders had tried the same thing in an American airport where interference with a regulatory agency is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The Icelandic police, when they arrived, instead of negotiating with the men, should have arrested them and impounded the plane. I wonder how long it will be until the US embassy apologizes ao behalf of their fellow country men. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.
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Iceland has basically an Olympic record when it comes to pulling down their pants and sticking their auations".ss up in the air when it comes to "difficult situations". Makes you kinda wonder if they wouldn't be everyone's sweetheart in a US prison. "Be my valentine", indeed.
I am fiercely proud of my country, not so much of it's administration.
Heimir Tómasson, 30.10.2010 kl. 08:01
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