No Signers?
14.2.2011 | 01:28
A website, "Icesave, Ja Takk", has been started to gather signatures in support of the lastest Icesave deal and to counter the website started earlier by InDefence that gathered around 56.000 signatures last year against the old Icesave deal. Those 56.000 signatures were the main reason the President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refused to sign the original Icesave deal, forcing a national referendum where the Icesave deal was soundly defeated 93,2% to 1,8%.
As of the time of this blog, either no one has signed under "Icesave, Ja Takk" or the people who created the site forgot ( on purpose?) to place a counter on it so we could see how many (or few) people supported "Icesave, Ja Takk", which by the way, roughly translates to " Screw me in the butt? Yes, thanks!"
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Icesave Já Takk opnar síðu |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Hahaha. Góður! :D
Lárus (IP-tala skráð) 14.2.2011 kl. 01:32
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