Too Good to be True
4.3.2011 | 19:47
My grandpa always told me: If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. I really wish I could increase the fuel economy of my car by using water. But this hydrogen fuel "idea" has been around in the US for many, many years and I see it has finally made it here to Iceland. Unfortunately, this sytem doesn't work. That is the plain truth. I am sorry, I wish it did. You don't need to take my word for it, just read this information from Popular Mechanics.
When I first heard of this "technology" years ago, I was really interested also. I heard all testimonials about increased fuel economy. But every time a car is actually scientifically tested, there is never an increase in fuel economy. Never. You can watch a test like this here from Dateline. Oddly, I can't explain the test at the inspection station Frumherji and I would like to see that test independently verified. I will say though, that the blue dye in the bubbling water is a really cool improvement over other designs I have seen. Kudos for that!
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Somebody should do a real test on that thing, similar to the one on Dateline. Thanks for the link, I was very excited about the product until I read your blog, guess I just wanted to believe this thing worked.
AD (IP-tala skráđ) 4.3.2011 kl. 22:32
I spoke to this guy about this 1 year ago, he is full of shit. He was quoting some famous american fraudser that made millions off selling this in the USA. He called it HHO gas, which he had no theoritical knowledge of. He also claimed that I (having studied chemistry in the university) had been fooled, and that the chemistry that is being tougt in the western world was wrong, a big conspiracy made up by the american goverment and the oil companies.
He also claimed that a guy using this technology had driven around USA using only water on his tank. The engine electrolysed the water and then burned the hydrogen. He had no proper explaination when I asked him where the energy to electrolyse the water came from. I believe he said that he used the heat energy from the burning of the hydrogen to fuel the electolysis. Basically this engine "makes" energy, thus contradicting the laws of physics
Samúel (IP-tala skráđ) 5.3.2011 kl. 14:18
Thanks for the info.
The part that concerns me most about this information on MBL, besides that fact that they ran a bullshit headline with 30% fuel savings without verifying a thing, is the test done at Frumherji. Only cars running on electricity, air pressure, hydrogen ONLY, and magic pixie dust can be called "zero" emissions. Where did the emissions from the fuel go? So, one of three things happened during the test: number 1- the machine gave a false reading, number 2- the operator made an error leading to a false reading, or number 3- Fraud was committed.I am tempted to turn this over to Neytendastofa to hear what they have to say.
Gregg Thomas Batson, 5.3.2011 kl. 19:28
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