Missed Opportunity

I said it to my wife, when Davið Oddsson was retiring from politics and becoming the head of the Central Bank, that rule number one, in central bank policy, is that you never, ever, ever put a politician in charge of a central bank. NEVER.  One reason, of course, is that his appointment to the bank could appear, and usually is, politically motivated.   Another reason is that when he does or says anything, it can be construed, and often is, as being politically motivated. And lastly, when a new government made up of opposition parties tries to remove this politically appointed government employee it can also be construed, and often is, as being politically motivated. 

So, in Iceland there is a former prime minister, without any degree in economics, who is also a member of the former ruling party, appointed to the Central Bank by the former ruling party, who has said and done things that seem  politically biased. And now he is trying to be removed by the new government of opposition parties that may have an axe to grind. All of this could have been avoided. If only my wife had passed the information along.


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1 identicon

Hopefully people will learn something from this all

steinunn (IP-tala skráð) 8.2.2009 kl. 16:52

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