8.2.2009 | 23:41
Shame - n. 1 distress or humiliation caused by consciousness of one's guilt, dishonour or folly. 2 capacity for feeling this 3 state of discrace or discredit 4 a person or thing that brings discrace etc. b thing that is wrong or regrettable - from the Oxford Dictionary of Current English
Since Daviđ Oddsson doesn't know the meaning of this word it is posted here for him and perhaps other Icelandic politicians.
After the terrible terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India in November 2008, several Indian ministers resigned their posts. Why did these ministers resign? Did they cause the attacks? Did they kill all those people? Are they solely responsible for the failures in the securtiy services of India? The answer to all these questions is obviously "no" and yet they did resign; they felt quilty because maybe they should have forseen the event, and discraced because the security system failed to live up to the standard that they would have expected. In short they felt shame.
One needs to understand what shame is and be capable of feeling its effect to have the courage required to resign. And for that, one needs to have a conscience. Do you need that defined for you too, Daviđ?
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Davíđ segir ekki af sér |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Tell me one reason why Davíđ should resign? Why is his responesebility more than Jóhannas for exsample?? Wasnt she a part of the government wich ruled when everything collapsed? People in Iceland need someone to blame for all the mess they are in. Fact is that most people have them self to blame for the shit they are in.
Baldur (IP-tala skráđ) 9.2.2009 kl. 00:19
Baldur, Actually, I can give you five really good reasons why he should resign.
1. He is a politician. I have already explained why this is a bad.
2. He is not qualified to do the job. Central banks don't lend themselves well to on the job training.
3. Taking a 75% share in Glitnir, essentually making private debt sovereign debt.
4. This one is my favorite. The peg of the kronur. It will go down in the economic books as the shortest in history and probably the dumbest.
5. For implying on national television (Kastljós) that Iceland would not cover the debts of the banks. This one alone is grounds for dismissal in any normal circumstance. Could you imagine the financial fallout in the US if Bernacke had said something to that effect?
As far as responsibility goes, Jóhanna is just as responsible as all the members of the government who sat by as watched while the house of cards fell. I never said Daviđ was the only one who should resign but that he has to own uo to his share. Please don't assume that because I am against Daviđ that I am for anyone else. I have no problem calling out anyone I think deserves it and would be very happy to see the whole of the Althing go.
Gregg Thomas Batson, 9.2.2009 kl. 02:59
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
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