Freedom of Choice
11.2.2009 | 23:49
Speaking purely politically, it was a brilliant move by Einar K. to give a five year whale quota on the way out the door. He must of had inside information that someone from VG would be taking over his ministry. How does making use of a sustainable resource falls outside the VG platform can't be explained but what a predicament Steingrimur is in now that he has chosen to review that quota. Does he do the will of his party and core supporters (17%), a minority in the government and population respectively, and change the quota and possibly end whaling? Or does he live up to all that democracy, will of the people (67%) stuff he is always ranting about and leave the quota as is? Unless he can come up with some solution equally satifying to both sides it will be a lose/lose situation for Steingrimur and he would have done best to let Einar's decision stand for 80 days and let the next government with majority deal with it. But too late!
The real winners in all of this are,of course, Framsóknarflokkurinn. They have shown really good judgement in supporting the minority government but holding on to the trump card "NO" vote. How many parties get the chance to vote Yes or NO. The Icelandic system has alway been the majority makes the laws and always votes "yes" together and the opposition votes "no" together. No matter what. It is as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. With Framsóknarflokkurinn giving only support they have added a twist to the normally predictable system and are giving the voters the impression( even if it is only an impression)) that they alone are the defenders of democracy and won't allow any law to be passed that the people don't agree with. Sigmundur Davið may have done a "one up" on Einar K. and Steingrimur.
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It's about what your pin says, save the humans and then make biodiesel out of the whalefat and make even more jobs!
Steinunn (IP-tala skráð) 13.2.2009 kl. 12:45
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