That Makes How Many Times?
19.2.2009 | 08:26
If some Icelanders are opposed to whaling due to "negative" publicity, then why do they insist on dragging the issue continuously into the spotlight of the world press. When Einar K. issued the quota for five years this was a blessing for those fearing bad publicity. Once the initial protests were lodged and the story broke with the world news agencies the rough part was over. All the Icelanders had to do was to ride out the storm for a week or two by keeping their mouths shut and something else would come along and the quota issue would be forgotten -FOR FIVE WHOLE YEARS! But no, Steingrímur decided to drag it back into the spotlight by reviewing the quota. Well, that wasn't enough publicity apparently, so he again gives the quota more publicity by letting it stand, but for only one year. Why only a year? So the issue can receive even more attention the next year too. That will make a total of four times this quota issue will make it into the press in the course of about a year. Not a very smart way to avoid the "negative" publicity everyone is afraid of. Does anyone know what the quota for whales is in Norway? I sure don't. Maybe that is because they don't announce it to the world FOUR TIMES A YEAR!
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Norđmenn mega veiđa 885 hrefnur á ţessu ári, 2009 – the Norwegians are allowed by the Ministry of fisheries to catch up to 885 mink whales annually.
Icelanders should read this article:Atkvćđamesti afrćninginn: hrefnan.
But thanks for yours!
Jón Valur Jensson, 19.2.2009 kl. 10:05
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