The Name of the Game
20.2.2009 | 17:01
Whenever something that seemed wrong or irrational to me to in the world I would go and as my father why this was happening. For an example -"How can the US embargo a communist country like Cuba and freely trade with a Communist country like China?" My father always had the same response which was -"What's the name of the game?" I can remember the first time he said this to me and I replied "I don't know. What is the name of the game?" To which he replied and always replies- "MONEY!" A simple solution to all the perplexing problems in the world. If you want to know why people do the things they do just remember they are thinking about money. Which leads me to the foreign travel agencies. These agencies are not bastions of moral priciples, they are money making businesses just like all other businesses and they will not remove Iceland from their travel books as long as there is a buck, or a Euro or a pound to make. They will make threats of economic terrorism and try to rattle the Icelanders but their industry is highly competitive and the one that can offer the most usually does the best. And in the event that some short sighted agency does remove Iceland, another will surely step into the breach to give their clients choice, because that agency will know what the name of the game is.
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