They're Back!
6.3.2009 | 00:05
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn has the largest political party in Iceland again with 29 percent of people polled favoring them. I stated in a previous blog they had a chance for a comeback and I would even predict that their percentage will be higher- 33 to 38 percent- for the election. Old habits die hard and this outcome should not be unexpected. However no party will likely have the political stomach to join with them again to form a majority. Framsóknarflokkurinn is the only real wildcard for who Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn can depend on and that is looking more and more unlikey. At least for this election. Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn should probably get used to sitting in opposition for the next couple of years. By the way, does anyone know what year the following election will be held? Is it 2011 as previously scheduled or now 2013?
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