BloodBath in Alabama
11.3.2009 | 07:52
Financial turmoil, high unemployment, social unrest , oh, and don't forget, lots and lots of guns. What a wonderful combination. No doubt we will be reading more stories like this in the coming months.
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Those stories are nothing new in the land of the free and brave. The strange thing is that people seem to be able to accept these stories more readily from the grand ol' US of A rather than from Europe. This is just another example of stereotypes, everybody accepts this as a matter of fact, even though the exact same thing is happening in Finland, Belgium, UK.... the list goes on.
The easy access to firearms in the US has been named as one of the culprits. Undoubtedly that is a factor, but I think the human factor is the biggest. Nevertheless, I want much stricter gunlaws. Why? I live in the US.
Heimir Tómasson, 11.3.2009 kl. 09:17
We're overpopulated anyway and should kill the 95% least capable in character, strength and intelligence. Stop whining about dead humans, there is too much of them and therefore are raping and killing the eco-system of this planet. Fuck Humanism. That being said I wish you a good day.
The Troll (IP-tala skráđ) 11.3.2009 kl. 11:23
It´s easier to curse and tell the world to fuck off in english isn´t it mr. Troll?
That being said, english doesn´t have the wonderful phrase: "Helvítis fokking fokk." so Icleand wins.
About the entry - You´re right, I´m in Georgia and crime is up around 20% or so, and that is not counting how much it increased after the crime gangs from New Orleans migrated up here. It´s not good.
Heimir is right all the way i think. It is also worth it to point out that the US has at least three times more murders per capita than e.g. Germany which is pretty high on the scale also. Iceland has 1/10 or less. And when it comes to gun violence, the US is of course outrageous.
Murders don´t tell the entire story either, many people are seriously injured and maimed because of this and accidents are common. There is no doubt that keeping firearms in the Constitution´s second amendment has cost the citizens of the US dearly and probably not achieved anything that a powerful military wouldn´t have achieved just as well.
Rúnar Ţór Ţórarinsson, 11.3.2009 kl. 12:54
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