Whole Foods- No Brains or Balls
22.3.2009 | 01:22
I can do nothing but shake my head whenever I read bullshit like this coming from the land of hypocracy. It kind of makes me want to shoot the fucking whales myself. This Whole Foods crap is a typical American response in dealing with the world. The American way of life revolves so much around the God All Mighty Dollar that they think they can break the will of another country with what is nothing short of economic terrorism. Reading all the blogs linked to this report, I am comforted that the actions taken by Whole Foods is only strenghtening the Icelanders' resolve. And how fucking pussy-like was it to announce that Whole Foods will no longer promote Icelandic products. Not "no longer sell" only "no longer promote". Seems the management of Whole Foods lacks not only brains but also balls. Another typically American ploy- keep the 1% of the protesters happy with some bullshit propaganda that "looks" like they are tough while keeping the other 99% who actually buy Icelandic products and don't give a shit about whaling as long as the price is right, happy. If the Americans stopped doing things based on money and did something, anything, based on principle, I think I would drop dead, right then and there, of shock. Looks like I never have to worry about that happening anytime soon.
(Sorry about the expletives, but this fucking American hypocracy pisses me off. Now you know one reason why I don't live there anymore.)
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You are my kind a guy, totally agree with you on this subject, rock on!
Guđmundur Júlíusson, 22.3.2009 kl. 03:47
Sounds like you've been stranded on that awful rock way too long for your own good pal...they've managed to brainwash you hehe
sorry j/k. Glad you've found a cultural match for your aggressive no-nonsense personality. Wanna trade passports?
I'm opposed to whaling on the grounds that I don't think its worth the hassle...screw the principle and lets be practical...we simply don't have "the bomb" so we just gotta shut up and take it in the rear and learn to like it.
For better or worse the world is full of self-righteous "animal lovers" (and not just in America)...but hey their dollars are as green as the rest of them and I think its more important not to damage the tourism industry and not having our exporters having to deal with this sorta crap like Whole Foods is pulling.
I don't give a fuck about the whales...as long as they're killed as humanely as possible...but again...I just don't think its worth it...ESPECIALLY not for some silly nationalistic idealism and pride! Is that enough no-nonsense for ya?
Róbert Björnsson, 22.3.2009 kl. 07:41
And sure...the world is full of hypocracy...but whatya gonna do?
Like it or not...money makes the (real) world go around.
Róbert Björnsson, 22.3.2009 kl. 07:45
I think you make a good point Gregg, but Björn also makes a point. I like whales they can be fun to look at, but I also like to eat them.This discussion always dances around two things and that is practicality and idealism, I think people should be practical on most occasions, so if we are better off not hunting whales we shouldn't.
But yeah, I agree with you on the hypocrisy. in the land of green bills saying the "right things" and doing the "wrong thing" is the same damn fucking thing.
I love dumb people that say certain things just because they have been brainwashed by propaganda of people that are naive and stupid, and try to be PC.
Sindri Jóelsson (IP-tala skráđ) 22.3.2009 kl. 11:26
It´s kinda funny that Paul Watson said that one vegetarian on a Hummer contributes less to greenhouse gases than a meat eater on a bicycle. I´ve given this a bit of thought and it still doesn´t make sense to me. Same as most of the other bs that comes from most of these greenies.
Heimir Tómasson, 24.3.2009 kl. 03:58
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