Two Questions
7.4.2009 | 21:45
It has been revealed that FL Group gave a 30 million kronur politcal contibution to Sjáfstæðisflokkurinn in December 2006. Here are two questions that really need to asked and answered-
1. Why did it take over 2 years for ANYONE to report that FL Group gave a 30 million kronur contribution to Sjáfstæðisflokkurinn?
2. If Iceland were not in a kreppa (crisis) now and Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn were still in power would this donation EVER have be reported?
Answering these two simple questions will reveal alot about the corruption in businesses, politics, and especially the media.
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30 milljóna styrkur |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
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