Waste of Time
21.4.2009 | 14:47
Samfylking and VG are more than welcome to go enter into negotiations with the European Union. The final decision to enter the Union will be with the Icelandic people by a referendum vote.. It might be interesting to see what will be offered to Iceland in terms of farming and natural resources. But one thing is certain. The European Union has never and will never allow concessions for the fishing industry of any member state. Doing so for Iceland would cause a political maestrom in the Union as the nations that gave up their fishing rights will want the same deal as Iceland. That is just not going to happen. Period. End of discussion. And the Icelanders will never, in a million years, give up their sole right to the Icelandic fishing grounds. So the politicians can go and have their meetings, but the most important issue is already non-negotiable.
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