How to Lose an Election 101
23.4.2009 | 00:08
Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir, Minister for the Environment, and member of the Vintri Græn (Left Green) Party will now be used in all Icelandic political science classes as a classic example on how to ruin a party's chances of winning an election. With just two days left to the big day, Kolbrún comes out against drilling for oil in the so-called Dreka Area. This is just plain stupid. In this time of crisis people are thinking about jobs and how they are going to support their families and pay for their houses, not about offshore drilling! This election period is turning into amateur night for some politicians. Hopefully they will do better in the Althing but with remarks like Kolbrún's, some will not make it that far.
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VG gegn olíuleit á Drekasvæði |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
I just hoped she hauled her ass out of politics for good. With theatrics like that she is best kept where she came from originally, namely - yes - the theatre.
Heimir Tómasson, 23.4.2009 kl. 01:15
Yes, stupid moves like this explain why Kolbrún, while holding the covetted Minister of Environment position, could only muster 3rd seat in her own district. That is just pathetic.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skráð) 23.4.2009 kl. 02:17
VG, to my way of thinking, is just a collection of losers.
Why? Because mysery loves company.
Heimir Tómasson, 23.4.2009 kl. 15:00
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