It Could Be Called "The Torture Approval Test"
23.4.2009 | 13:36
People who have the authority to approve interrogation methods that could be viewed as torture should first have to be subjected to the method themselves before it can be used. Better yet, try the method out on one of their loved ones and let them watch. How many people would have approved waterboarding if this was the test applied for it's authorization? I know (or hope?) the answer would be none. I do confess though that I would probably enjoy seeing Dick(head) Cheney being waterboarded. But then again he is not a loved one.
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Yeah, and people who don't understand that 9/11 mustn't happen again, should be subjected to a test flight with 10 nice guys from Saudi Arabia and Sudan who are experts in horizontal flying in major cities.
I bat you a $ you would like that. Waterboarding the organizers of the terror against the USA is fine with me. Bedwetters for love peace and understanding should understand that terrorists are not ordinary people. They kill innocent people to satisfy their own deranged perversion and lust for killing and destroying values that are unholy to them.
You like to blog? Well, in a terrorist state you cannot blog!
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 23.4.2009 kl. 14:26
No, I really don't like to blog. For me it is more of a necessity, kind of like eating and shitting. There is always someone saying something that just needs a response. Your comments are no different. By terrorist states, do you really mean Muslim states? Those are the first ones that come to my mind when I think of repressive regimes. I have no problem taking a known terrorist and putting him in prison or even executing him. You can even disembowel him in the street for all I care. The problem with the torturing of detainees is you are not applying any rules of law in their accusation and have know idea if they are actually guilty of anything. You should at least have to prove they are terrorists first, right? Or are you hoping they confess like the heretics did in the Spanish Inquisition? Living in Denmark you should be aware of the importance of preserving law and rights. How else can you prevent the muslim population from pushing their antiquated, backward and sexist agenda on the rest of the country is you don't apply the laws of equality, fairness and basic human rights. If you digress into a state of secret searches, indefinite detentions, and torture you have become the same "terrorist" state you are trying to avoid. By becoming one of them what then are you trying to stop the "terrorists " from doing? Killing innocent people? Who do you think kills more innocent people? All the terrorists in the world or all the organized militaries in the world? When the US military finds a "high value" target and drops a bomb on that target do you think they really consider the innocent people who might be killed? Innocent people die all the time in actions that people like yourself deem necessary. So don't use such a hypocritical argument as "innocent people" to say "terrorist" are "not ordinary people". It is not their actions that need to be prevented but their twisted views about laws and rights that need to be wiped out. You will never achieve that goal by acting like the terrorist.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skráđ) 23.4.2009 kl. 17:37
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, George W. Bush was a bedwetter.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skráđ) 23.4.2009 kl. 17:41
Gregg, don´t worry about Villhjálm. He does not like racism against the Jews I´ll give him that, but he is unlikely to defend Islam. He tend´s to be a funny writer though....
Since 9/11 was mentioned, including the Saudi hijackers, I must mention that no-one knows (officially) who did the deed. Some of the supposed hijackers are still alive. most likely because the "evil doers" used fake or stolen passports. So no-one (officially) actually knows who dunnit. Osama was never actually officially wanted for the attacks, that was bs for the newscameras. However, Cheney and Halliburton officially wanted their pipelines in Afganistan and Saddam´s oil fields.
A study has just been released from the University of Copenhagen. Research focused on dust from the Twin Towers and Tower nbr. 7. the researchers found massive amounts of "nano-thermite" in the dust, which is a specialized version of "thermite. These are special chemicals used by "controlled demolition" experts to do their job.....
Here is a video from Danish T.V news w. English subtitles:
And here you can access the actual research:
(click on 2009)
On Sept.11th. 2001 Cheney was coordinating several military excercises where "they" were among other things pretending to chase terrorists on hijacked planes.......unfortunately that day everything just happened "for real". Ah yes Gregg, this is how "accidents" happen......
Yet, Cheney and friends have never been waterboarded or even seriously questioned. Cheney and Bush fx appeared together before "the commission" and neither testified under oath....
magus (IP-tala skráđ) 23.4.2009 kl. 20:24
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