Time to Get This Settled
26.4.2009 | 20:12
Now with the elections over, one more obstacle stands in the way of Icelanders on their way out of the crisis. Whether or not to join the European Union. The issue has become a hot one before the elections and there seems no chance of it dissipating until the Icelanders finally see the pros and cons of joining. Vinstri Grćn has a duty, if they are going to stay in the majority, to pursue an offer with Samfylkingin from the European Union on what it is on the table if Iceland is to join. This is absolutely necessary if the Icelanders are to stop arguing about going in or staying out and end the discussion with a referendum vote. And there can be no referendum vote without knowing EXACTLY what is being offered from the EU. Vinstri Grćn has no right to stand in the way of the nation's right to know these details just as Samfylkingin has voter mandate (with less than 30% of the vote) to force Iceland into joining. This is a matter that WILL ultimately be decided by the Icelandic people and not the Icelandic politicians and that gives comfort that the outcome will be not only just but also right.
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