The IWC, Gridlocked, and Sometimes Landlocked?!
1.5.2009 | 22:19
Japan and other whaling nations have decided to vote in a block in the upcoming IWC meetings in Portugal. This is in response to the decision of anti-whaling (pro wacko) nations, especially those in the European Union, to vote in a block. This action guarantees gridlock in the meeting and continues to degrade the already weak position of the Commision. The IWC, if it wishes to survive, must accept that its purpose is not to protect whales indefinitely but to formulate a strategy for sustainable hunting of whales. The Commision was supposed to have undertaken that decision by 1990 but the anti-whaling member have continually stalled any action. Even more annoying is the addition of members to the IWC (especially in the EU) that have no history of whaling or any prospect of starting since their countries are completely landlocked! A few examples are:
The Czech Republic
It is very difficult to take the IWC seriously any longer and whaling nations should just withdraw and form a new orginization composed of nations that ACTUALLY have an interest in the management of whaling stocks.
The EU as a whole should not be involved in any decisions about whaling. Just look how well they have managed their cod stocks. If anything, Iceland should be teaching the EU how to manage the natural resources of the sea.
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