And I Believe You.....NOT!
2.5.2009 | 20:43
It would be not only impossible to guarantee the safety of Hydroxycut here in Iceland, but irresponsible for the salesperson to do so. The American recall is based on liver problems and not problems related to the heart. To claim the Hydroxycut is safe in Iceland would require that the salesperson knew which ingredient was the cause of the liver problems. The information coming from the FDA states-
The agency has not yet determined which ingredients, dosages, or other health-related factors may be associated with risks related to these Hydroxycut products.
So how can the saleperson be so sure of the safety of his product when the FDA doesn't even know which ingredient is the cause of the problem? Simply stated- He can't.
Until there is more information on the specific ingredients that are the cause of the problem, Hydroxycut made anywhere cannot be guaranteed as safe at any dosage.
Annars konar Hydroxycut hér á landi | |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Like i said in my blog, just have Skyr and lýsi :)
Guđmundur St Ragnarsson, 2.5.2009 kl. 21:30
I agree. The natural way is and always will remain the best and safest way.
I also like the name of your law firm:)
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skráđ) 2.5.2009 kl. 22:21
So you remember Kramer vs. Kramer?
Guđmundur St Ragnarsson, 2.5.2009 kl. 23:53
Yes I do. Sad to say I'm that old.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skráđ) 3.5.2009 kl. 00:09
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