Shouldn't Throw Stones

So, the British politicians are just as corrupt as all the other politicians in the world.  No one in Iceland should be surprised by that revelation.  The most shocking part had to be the apology.  One hardly hears anything remotely like that out of Icelandic politicians.  The last time an Icelandic politician got caught taking money that wasn't his, he said he was owed it. A technical mistake.  Maybe Brown should try that line.  It seemed to work well here. The guy still has his job.  Or how about when another politician went to the Olympics twice, all expenses paid with her husband. I didn't hear any apology there.  I guess she and her husband were entitled to the trips at the taxpayers expense, since she still has her job.  And I wouldn't want to even go into party that took large political donations from two companies right before the law (that they wrote!) went into effect ending large donations from companies.  They did say it was legal so it must have been ok. Just like the pardoning of a thief while the President is out of the country is legal.

The Icelandic media is enjoying a small bit of shandenfreude which is fine, but they have to remember-People who live in glass houses.................

 GTB Brown biđst afsökunar
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