Junk Science
15.5.2009 | 00:00
Exacty how is putting a tax on soda supposed to help the children of Iceland with their dental care? Are we not already paying tax on soda? Is the government going to put on more tax? Are they hoping the higher tax will slow the consumption of soda among children? That system doesn't work well for alcohol or tobacco or anything else for that matter so where is the reasoning behind the higher tax on soda? I doubt the government will use the new tax income to pay for the children's dental visits. In fact what usually happens is the government becomes addicted to the revenue from the higher tax and then uses the sales as a cash cow to fund everything but the problem it was meant to fix.
If the government of Iceland wants to promote better eating among children how about taking the tax OFF of foods that they consider healthy. I know this is quite a concept for any government; to REDUCE the taxes. Why for the love of goodness is there tax on milk, vegetables and fruit? How insane is that? And by the way who is going to decide what is healthy or not, some government agency? How are we going to pay for that new committee? Oh yeah, the higher taxes on soda or anything else they deem unhealthy. More money right into the politicians' pockets. Great! What about diet soda? There is absolutely no nutritional value and it contains Nutrasweet. It must be worse in Iceland to have a few cavities than to be overweight with brain damage caused by the artificial sweetener.. At least that's what the science says about Nutrasweet. But who needs science when we have public opinion that says sugar, the substance the body needs everyday, is the real demon.
It is absolutely stupid to single out one food as the cause of all the dental problems in Iceland and to think a tax on it will solve the problem. The government is trying to distract the people with a "feel good" tax instead of addressing the real problem: Affordable dental care for children. Ögmunder needs to find a real solution to the problem because taxing soda certainly is not it. Actually there already is a solution, it's called a TOOTHBRUSH.
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