Ass Backwards
5.6.2009 | 22:37
The only reason Samfylkingin wants to settle the Icesave problem is so the Iceland will be allowed to join the European Union. The problem with that idea is Icelanders have not decided whether or not they want to join the EU. So the first thing is to find out what is being offered by the EU, hold a referendum, and if for some strange reason Icelanders decide to join, find an equitable solution to the Icesave problem. Paying first and joining later is not the right order.
I am in agreement with Sigmundur Davið that Icelanders need to let the courts decide what Iceland's legal obligation is and not let politics dictate a deal that is going to heavily burden the country for years to come, all to appease a few members of the EU. What is needed now is for the members of Vinstri Grænir to show some balls and stand up for what they believe in rather than acting like sheep and doing everything Samfylkingin tell them to do all for the sake of holding onto power. If ever there was an issue to stand up for this is it.
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Engin Icesave-greiðsla í 7 ár |
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If VG's MPs vote for this agreement the party is dead or at least split. The same applies to the independence party.
You should come to the meeting tonight at Sunnlenska bókakaffið at 20:00. Consider yourself my personal guest.
Axel Þór Kolbeinsson, 6.6.2009 kl. 16:09
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