Please, Please, Let Them Take it to Court!
9.6.2009 | 08:24
Iceland should not enter into an agreement without exausting every legal avenue. The debt that Iceland is required to pay is something that shoud be decided by the courts and not by the politicians. Especially since the politicians have made mistakes handling this issue since day one. The courts certainly can't force a worse deal on Iceland than the one it has now. And it is not the Icelandic governments's job to bring the case to court. That was a stupid question by the interviewer on Kastljós. It is the British and Dutch goverments that must bring the case to a court. They are the ones seeking repayment. How the hell would Sigmundur Davið know which court the British or the Dutch should go to?
The Althing needs to vote this agreement down, not only for the high cost but the ridiculous interest rate. Who the hell negotiated that rate? Someone needs to be fired for that mistake. Just vote this agreement down and get a better deal or let the countries sue Iceland. The funny thing is, Britain and Holland say they don't want to sue. Now why do you think that is? Any ideas, Steingrímur? Here's one- because they think they might lose!
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I agree with you Greg 100%.
And the Brits won the Cod-war after all!
Guðmundur St Ragnarsson, 10.6.2009 kl. 01:06
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