Nonwhaling Nation?
28.6.2009 | 12:42
The New York Times, in its ridiculous editorial, said
The commissions nonwhaling members, the United States included, should press for a complete ban.
Since when is the United States considered a nonwhaling nation? The asked for and received permission to allow native peoples to kill whales in Washington and Alaska. The US Navy probably kills more whales with its sonar than all the whaling nations combined. And the only really endangered whale, the right whale, is being slaughtered every year by ship strikes in the shipping lanes of the coast of the US. Where are the calls to ban shipping to save that whale?
The US takes a ANTI-whaling stance but they are far from a nonwhaling nation. Nonwhaling would be more like the IWC members Switzerland or Mongolia that don't even have access to an ocean to fish in. Kind of make one wonder what they are doing in the IWC to begin with. This is akin to Iceland being in a committee to regulate giraffe hunting in Africa.
The Times calls the ban on whaling "not really a ban at all". That is because it is NOT supposed to be a ban but a moratorium. A moratorium is supposed to be temporary. But somehow the "non-whaling" members have twisted the original purpose of the IWC from a regulatory body into a conservation body. This is the real reason the IWC is failing,because it is not doing what it was meant to do, which is regulating whale hunting, instead of banning it.
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