28.6.2009 | 15:22
Franek Rosvadovsky spoke today on RÚV in the rather ambiguous terms. I took the time to clarify some of the more vague statements.
-"The ICESAVE agreement and both the one that has already been signed and the parliament´s passing it, is not a precondition under the review of the program."
CLARIFIED -The Icesave agreement has already been signed. If the parliament doesn't pass it we will use some other excuse to postpone the IMF loan.
_"But as you know, the review does have financial requirements."
CLARIFIED- Do what the British and Dutch tell you or you will not get any money.
_"I don't know whether this deal is the best possible for Iceland. One can never know something like that for any deal. "
CLARIFIED- The ICESAVE deal is as bad as our IMF deal but hey, we are only holding the gun to your head, it is you that must pull the trigger.
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Þjóðarbúið ekki á hliðina vegna Icesave |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Good clarifications. :-)
J. Einar Valur Bjarnason Maack , 28.6.2009 kl. 15:58
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