Locks Only Keep Honest People Out

That is what my grandpa used to tell me.  It doesn't make a damn bit of difference if the keys were in car or not.  If someone wants to take something they are going to take it, lock or no lock, key or no key.  The sad part is the insurance company will probably not cover the car because the keys were in it.  As if that gives a person the right to take it.

This whole thing reminds me of a bike I had in San Francisco.  I parked outside a corner deli one morning around 11 o'clock because I needed to purchase some milk.   I didn't lock it because it was only going to take a minute and because I didn't own a lock for it, I never left it outside, unattended. (This was the first time, believe it or not!)  I swear I wasn't in the store for more than 30 seconds when some homeless man tried to take it.  I went outside and asked what the fuck he thought he was doing.  He actually asked me if the bike was mine, to which  I replied  "It certainly isn't yours!" 

You would think the simple fact of ownership would be enough for an insurance company. But they alway try to find a way out of paying even if it requires making you look like the person who did something wrong.


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1 identicon

Of course it makes a difference if the keys were in or not. If the keys were  in the car (wich they probably were) then the owner gets nothing from the insurance company. Thiefs in Iceland are stupid, they could never steel a car without keys. Its not complicated, just take the keys and lock the car when you get out of it.. it may take 3 seconds longer but it's worth it.

Einsi (IP-tala skráð) 20.7.2009 kl. 02:34

2 identicon

Well, the stupid sod who stole the car would have done something spectacularly stupid anyway, with or without this particular opportunity. But yes, the keys were in the car.

Ágústa (IP-tala skráð) 20.7.2009 kl. 10:58

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