Three Bad Men and One Good Woman
31.7.2009 | 00:19
Today, Obama met with both Henry Gates and James Crowley for a beer because of Gate's arrest last week. Crowley, a microbrewery snob, went for the Sam Adams while the Pres and Gates went more traditional, Colt 45. Joe Biden sat in the meeting so it would be more "balanced". Otherwise Crowley might feel as though the brothas were gangin' up on him.
How strange to see these men that are supposed to be so well educated and trained, act, in the words of Colin Powell, like they needed adult supervision. Gates was wrong for overreacting and not remaining calm in the face of police questioning. Gates should have Uncle Tom-ed up right away, especially since he is a black man dealing with the police. Crowley was wrong for acting like, well, a cop. Imagine someone talking back to a cop. How outrageous! Don't people know cops carry guns? Gates was lucky he wasn't shot 43 times.
It could have been worse for Gates though. The officer could have been Justin Barrett who said in an e-mail wrote that Gates behaved "like a banana -eating jungle monkey" and he "would have sprayed him in the face with OC (pepper spray) deserving of his belligerent non-compliance." In Barrett's defence, it was not a racist remark because he said jungle monkey and not jungle bunny. Nothing can help the pepper spary remark unfortunately. If this man will use a defensive weapon because the person is "belligerent" who knows what he will use his gun for. Happily though, he no longer has his gun.
As for Obama, he should not involve himself in such petty affairs. Sure Crowley, along with Gates, acted stupidly. That is obvious. Comments from the President about the the arrest was even more stupid. Looks like Biden is starting to rub off on Obama. Not a promising thought.
Finally, there is Lucia Whalen, a person trying to do good because she thought she saw something wrong. She has been villified in the whole affair as being racist. She never described the men she saw as black, even though it somehow made it into Crowley's police summary that she did. The 911 tapes confirm this. When pressed by the 911 operator to describe the men she saw, she said one could have been hispanic. She didn't say one looked like "banana -eating jungle monkey". And yet she took much abuse in the media as if she did say that. She was the only one who acted rationally that day. Where was her White House invite? Whalen's attorney, Wendy Murphy, said the three men Gates, Crowley and Obama all overreacted, while Whalen kept her cool."The three highly trained guys who reacted badly are getting together for a beer," Murphy said. "The one person whose actions have been exemplary will be at work tomorrow in Cambridge. I don't know maybe it's a guy thing. She doesn't like beer anyway."
And people wonder why the US is so screwed up.
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Well written but take a look at the photo...
GRĆNA LOPPAN, 31.7.2009 kl. 01:11
Hanna Steinunn,
Thanks for the comment. The blog is about Obama, Crowley and Gates and the one woman, Whalen. I can't control the photo the MBL uses. I guess I could have said four bad men, but Biden wasn't really involved and you just got to love Joe anyway.
Gregg Thomas Batson, 31.7.2009 kl. 01:20
The only one who is nervously drinking the beer...
GRĆNA LOPPAN, 31.7.2009 kl. 01:32
Hanna Steinunn,
Oh, you mean that! Well Obama can't be seen indulging in public. You will probably never see a photo of him smoking either. What would people think, that he was human? As for Crowley drinking, he actually looks like he needs it.:)
Gregg Thomas Batson, 31.7.2009 kl. 01:38
GRĆNA LOPPAN, 31.7.2009 kl. 01:52
Colt 45s? Hey now...thats racial stereotyping!
You also think Obama smokes menthol cigarettes and has fried chicken and purple soda for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Given the fact that he famously enjoys Dijon mustard on his hamburgers (a proof his US birth certificate must be fake)...I´m sure his choice of beer is also quite "un-American"...I´d say Heineken.
Then again...according to the pshyco Glenn Beck - Obama has a "deep seeded hatred of white people and white culture" who knows...maybe he´s "black enough" to drink Colt 45s.
Róbert Björnsson, 31.7.2009 kl. 02:07
The reason I said Colt 45 is because from the photo it looks as if Obama and Gates are drinking the same thing. So I assumed they split a 40 oz
Gregg Thomas Batson, 31.7.2009 kl. 02:32
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