Bill Has Still Got It
4.8.2009 | 22:00
Bill Clinton, the former US President, today secured the release of two American journalists who were being held by North Korean authorities. North Korean dictator Kim Jong II finally agreed to pardon the the two after Clinton promised to share a "special" cigar to celebrate the journalsts' release. This is the benefit of having a former president that also has negotiating skills. He can be sent on goodwill missions and, in this case, missions to free Americans wrongly detained. However, America also has another tool in its diplomatic bag now. Had the two journalists actually been spying and the US wanted them to "disappear" to avoid an embarrasing situation, the US could have sent George W. Bush to North Korea. Surely the journalists' sentences would have been changed from 12 years inprisonment to death with Bush's unique style of negotiation.
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