Rescue Funds Wasted on a Photo Op

I have said it before and I will say it again until people realize this simple fact. The government has plenty of money. At least when it comes to doing the things they deem important.  A bid for the UN Security Council, 22 members of the Althing on minister pay, or two trips to China by the Minister of Education. But somehow the public has to face a reduction in service to  "save" money. I would like Ragna Árnadóttir to explain how the rescue helicopters can't be used to put out fires or retrieve a human body because of the cost, but no expense has been spared for a fucking photo op.


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1 identicon

Right on Gregg, I think you nailed it !

Áfram Ísland ! 

Gummi (IP-tala skráđ) 23.8.2009 kl. 16:23

2 identicon

Dont forget, paying for other countries militaries to train their crews here. Calling it Airspace controll.

We should resign from Nato at once. And use that money for our own coastguard and infrastructure.

Arnór Valdimarsson (IP-tala skráđ) 23.8.2009 kl. 19:02

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