Wine - the Preferred Excuse of Politicians

"A glass of wine with dinner." Wasn't that line already used by Eyţór Arnalds when he tried to explain driving through (not into, mind you) a light pole and then switching seats with his wife?   I guess we are supposed to imagine  Sigmundur sipping a nice bourgundy out of fine stemware.  I does sound more sophisticated than " a mug of beer with supper".  It is important to note that wine does have a higher alcohol content than beer,  but beer does have that blue collar, frat party image to contend with. Yes, it much better to say you had a glass of wine.  I feel much better hearing it was wine and I am sure everyone else is just as relieved.


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Ađ mćta fullur, og já hann var augljóslega fullur, er ţvílík óvirđing viđ Alţingi. Ađ láta sjá sig svona og fara upp í pontu líka og bulla er algjör hneisa! Skammast ţú ţín Sigmundur!

Steinunn (IP-tala skráđ) 28.8.2009 kl. 09:28

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