14 Useless Political Cowards
28.8.2009 | 11:41
Say what you want about the members of the Althing who voted for or against the Icesave agreement. A yes vote burdens the country with a yet unknown amount of debt while a no vote would have made the country a financial outcast, deepening an already serious crisis.
What needs to be pointed out is the 14 members who, after months and months of meetings and debate, still found themselves incapable of making a decision on the most significant vote in Icelandic history.
The job of a member of the Althing in its most basic, but otherwise most important function is to discuss and then make a decision with the information available. These 14 fools think that they can escape public scrutiny of the vote by not voting at all.
By not voting at all, these 14 members have shown they have no political spine to do the job and do not deserve to be leading Iceland in such a serious time. This is exactly the weak leadership that got Iceland into the mess it is in today. These 14 members of the Althing have brought shame to their position and should all resign immediately.
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Icesave-frumvarp samţykkt |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
My thoughts exactly!
Johann B Olafsson (IP-tala skráđ) 28.8.2009 kl. 11:57
Well said.
Guđgeir (IP-tala skráđ) 28.8.2009 kl. 12:22
I have to agree with you on this. As a former member of Sjálfstćđisflokkurinn I am ashamed of this. We will have to work hard and be optimistic and positiv as a nation now. Hard times require a strong leader, I hope this fall and winter our nation will not erupt as a volcano, people are mad and have no faith. Spirits are down and now Alţingi must put all energy in boosting the people of this country.
Baldur (IP-tala skráđ) 28.8.2009 kl. 12:27
Hvernig dettur ţér í hug ađ nota tungumál kúgaranna í umfjöllun um ţetta mál?
Emil Örn Kristjánsson, 28.8.2009 kl. 13:00
Glad to hear it.
Why a former member? I sounds to me like Sjáfstćđisflokkurinn could use more people like yourself.
Actually I write using American English. A subtle but important difference. Americans have oppressed many people, but Icelanders are certainly not one of them.
Gregg Thomas Batson, 28.8.2009 kl. 17:52
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