From Freedom of Speech to Fear of Speeches
4.9.2009 | 15:36
Imagine prostesting the President of your country making a speech to the children of the nation. A typical response from the conservative minority who are seething with anger over having their jack boots they wore for eight years ripped of their oppressive feet.
Granted, Obama is a persuasive speaker, but these parents have elevated his oratory skills to that of a god. This brainwashing fear comes from the same people who support the Pledge of Allegiance in school and also want to allow prayer in school. Apparently, brainwashing is allowed only if they are the ones doing it.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United (Police) States of America,
and to the Republic(ans) for which it stands,
One Nation, under God*, indivisible
With liberty and justice for all (for all who can afford it).
*(see the First Amendment)
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