Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, maí 2009
Shouldn't Throw Stones
11.5.2009 | 23:49
So, the British politicians are just as corrupt as all the other politicians in the world. No one in Iceland should be surprised by that revelation. The most shocking part had to be the apology. One hardly hears anything remotely like that out of Icelandic politicians. The last time an Icelandic politician got caught taking money that wasn't his, he said he was owed it. A technical mistake. Maybe Brown should try that line. It seemed to work well here. The guy still has his job. Or how about when another politician went to the Olympics twice, all expenses paid with her husband. I didn't hear any apology there. I guess she and her husband were entitled to the trips at the taxpayers expense, since she still has her job. And I wouldn't want to even go into party that took large political donations from two companies right before the law (that they wrote!) went into effect ending large donations from companies. They did say it was legal so it must have been ok. Just like the pardoning of a thief while the President is out of the country is legal.
The Icelandic media is enjoying a small bit of shandenfreude which is fine, but they have to remember-People who live in glass houses.................
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Brown biðst afsökunar |
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Breasts -NO WAY, Brain matter- NO PROBLEM
6.5.2009 | 23:24
I can't believe that someone posted the photos of this woman NAKED, without any clothes on for Christ's sakes, on their blog I was trying to eat my dinner when I innocently clicked on the link and, well I almost got sick. I don't not want to see anything like that ever again especially with food around. I now have to try and clear my mind of such a disgusting and I might add, immoral sight. Perhaps a night of American primetime shows will help. Nothing like the everyday splattered blood and brain matter to rid the mind of a woman's breasts.
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Ungfrú Kalifornía í vandræðum |
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And I Believe You.....NOT!
2.5.2009 | 20:43
It would be not only impossible to guarantee the safety of Hydroxycut here in Iceland, but irresponsible for the salesperson to do so. The American recall is based on liver problems and not problems related to the heart. To claim the Hydroxycut is safe in Iceland would require that the salesperson knew which ingredient was the cause of the liver problems. The information coming from the FDA states-
The agency has not yet determined which ingredients, dosages, or other health-related factors may be associated with risks related to these Hydroxycut products.
So how can the saleperson be so sure of the safety of his product when the FDA doesn't even know which ingredient is the cause of the problem? Simply stated- He can't.
Until there is more information on the specific ingredients that are the cause of the problem, Hydroxycut made anywhere cannot be guaranteed as safe at any dosage.
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Annars konar Hydroxycut hér á landi |
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The IWC, Gridlocked, and Sometimes Landlocked?!
1.5.2009 | 22:19
Japan and other whaling nations have decided to vote in a block in the upcoming IWC meetings in Portugal. This is in response to the decision of anti-whaling (pro wacko) nations, especially those in the European Union, to vote in a block. This action guarantees gridlock in the meeting and continues to degrade the already weak position of the Commision. The IWC, if it wishes to survive, must accept that its purpose is not to protect whales indefinitely but to formulate a strategy for sustainable hunting of whales. The Commision was supposed to have undertaken that decision by 1990 but the anti-whaling member have continually stalled any action. Even more annoying is the addition of members to the IWC (especially in the EU) that have no history of whaling or any prospect of starting since their countries are completely landlocked! A few examples are:
The Czech Republic
It is very difficult to take the IWC seriously any longer and whaling nations should just withdraw and form a new orginization composed of nations that ACTUALLY have an interest in the management of whaling stocks.
The EU as a whole should not be involved in any decisions about whaling. Just look how well they have managed their cod stocks. If anything, Iceland should be teaching the EU how to manage the natural resources of the sea.
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Hvalveiðiráðið í sjálfheldu |
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Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:20 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)