Best Point So Far

It ( the UK government) also argues that as much as 90 per cent of the repayment it seeks could come from liquidation of Landsbanki’s assets.

Yet the obvious answer to the latter point is this: if the assets of the bank are that valuable, why not write off the debt, in return for the claims on these assets? (Wolf)

 If the current government actually believes that the assets of Landsbanki will cover 90% of the Icesave debt as they have been claiming throughout negotiations, than Wolf's suggestion should be the focus and goal of any renegotiation.  No one will be disappointed over the loss of Landsbanki's assets to avoid a debt Iceland does not owe in the first place. 

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1 identicon

You forget tha the Financial Time is a right wing Newpaper, as is the Guardian and the Telegraph........Any dig they can get at Uncle Gordon they will make the most of it. Face facts.Stop grabbing at straws.Hope you can get a better deal, but pay you will.........

Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 15.1.2010 kl. 11:54

2 Smámynd: Gregg Thomas Batson

The beauty of maintaining a nonpartisan approach to life is it matters not who may be "right" or "left" wing.  All that is important is who is telling the truth by basis of facts.  No one outside the British or Dutch governments can show any legal basis for the Icelandic government (read taxpayer) to reimburse Icesave. Those few that contend that Iceland must still pay are the ones "grabbing at straws". The real question, in light of the facts, is why does Iceland need a deal in the first place?


Gregg Thomas Batson, 15.1.2010 kl. 14:56

3 Smámynd: Eirikur

Lets look forward to meeting in court.....

Eirikur , 15.1.2010 kl. 16:17

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