The Third Time is the Charm

Jóhanna wants to have a new agreement with the the British and the Dutch before the national referendum on the current agreement. This will be the third try at a settlement.  But Jóhanna must realize that the next agreement has to be significantly better that the previous two, since it has been made clear that Iceland has no obligation to repay anything. This will prove difficult to achieve given Jóhanna's disposition to bend over backwards to satisfy the British and the Dutch in her quest for the holy grail of EU membership.

Any agreement that is simply a reworking of the previous two agreements will be met with stiff opposition from the public who will feel they have been robbed of the opportunity to have their say in the matter.  Another petition to the President will most likely follow and there should be little doubt that with enough pressure, Ólafur will use his power and not sign a law for the third time in his career.


GTB Jóhanna: Skynsamlegra að leysa án þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu
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