The God Question

There are only two possible answers to the "God question".


Number 1. The is no God.


Number 2. There is a God...and he just doesn't give a shit.


Take your pick.


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1 identicon

I will pick nr. 1 for sure

Bloggerswife (IP-tala skráð) 24.9.2010 kl. 11:17

2 identicon

Sorry, en það er bara eitt rétt svar
1 Það er ekki neinn guð.

Það er einfaldlega rangt að hafa "option" 2

doctore (IP-tala skráð) 24.9.2010 kl. 11:21

3 Smámynd: Gregg Thomas Batson

Well, I agree with you that there is no god.  But there will always be one or two idiots who will say that I can't prove that there is no god. That is true, I can't prove there is no god, but I can prove that, if there is a god, he doesn't give a shit. There is plenty of evidence to support that.  And then I like to ask these idiots, if he doesn't give a shit what then do I need god for?


Gregg Thomas Batson, 24.9.2010 kl. 11:57

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