To Be Continued......
26.2.2009 | 23:13
I believe a moment of silence may necessary. The new law regarding the Central Bank has been signed by the President and with it marks the final chapter in the long rise and sudden fall of Daviš Oddsson and Sjįfstęšisflokkurinn. (Independence Party) I don't mean to get emotional , but when you start to read blog entries that talk of the "Final Act" or compare Daviš's removal to the Crucifixion of Christ, (yes you read that right, I can't possible make up shit like that on my own) you can't help but feel a bit of sadness for he members of Daviš's party. They are upset, angry, and bitter that their great leader has been removed from the job he gave to himself. Oh, the injustice of it all.
The supporters of Daviš and Sjįfstęšisflokkurinn have many reasons for having these feeling too. Their party have been thrown out of the government, pushed into the opposition where their voice is now like a wimper from a castrated puppy. They have taken the brunt of the blame for starting the economic crisis and also have been blamed for not doing enough to fix the crisis. They have been forced to call early elections. The chairman of the party, Geir, the former prime minister, has cancer and will not seek re-election, the vice-chair, Žorgeršur K, wasted 5 million kroner of taxpayers money flying herself and her husband to the Olympics-twice, the peson who may win the first seat in the primary in the southern district served a two year prson term for embezzling from the government when he was a former member of parliament (can't make shit like that up either) and now their leader, king, god if you will, has been removed from his post as Head of the Central Bank. Basically it is turning out to be a pretty crappy year for them.
But there may still be some hope for the party. They still hold 25-30% of the potential vote for the next election. It is hard to believe but political parties in Iceland are alot like football teams, and in some instances it might better just to call their members diehard fans. That percent is likely enough to make them the largest party and with a little help from flip-flop framsókn they could be in power again. It is not like they have killer competition either. There are plenty of issues that Sjįlfstęšisflokkurinn could seize apon to swing things their way. All that is needed is for someone, anyone, to step forward and LEAD. There is also the possibility the Daviš will reclaim the throne and maybe invigorate the base of the party. He may be hated by some but he is an A class politician, a savvy debater, a skilled orator and a master manipulator. If any one can make a successful comeback it is this man. And I hope he does. It might keep things interesting. I understand now what Rush Limbaugh meant when he said he was going to miss Bill Clinton.
So there it is finally, the end of this chapter of The Icelandic Economic Crisis. But probably not the end of Sjįfstęšisflokkurinn and definitely not the end of Daviš Oddsson.
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Bśinn aš stašfesta lögin |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Deserved crappy year! Totally and utterly deserved. I don“t like your prediction.
Tryggvi Tumi Traustason (IP-tala skrįš) 26.2.2009 kl. 23:26
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.