Is this Some Kind of Joke?

Well, it is just terrible to read that the Althing is going to have a long work day today . Some had to work until 2 in the morning and have to return at 11.  Stories like this almost break my heart. I mean we are only in the worst economic crisis to hit Iceland or anywhere else for that matter and the poor members of the Althing actually have to work. The over-worked members only got a month off for Christmas, and will probably only get a month off for the election. And you know how rough the campaign trail can be here in Iceland. All that coffee and kleinur. How do they do it? And when the election is over they will most likey have to put in maybe a month and a half of work before they all take summer vacation.  Why oh why would anyone want to do this job? I guess they are all just selfless servants of this great pile of shit they created.  I think I would vote for a monkey before I voted for any of them.  At least a monkey can be trained to do the right thing.

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1 Smámynd: Heimir Tómasson

Right on!

Heimir Tómasson, 3.4.2009 kl. 23:10

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