Over 200 Children Could Have a Dental Checkup- Per Day!

It is absolutely amazing that the government is talking about putting a "sugar" tax on soda as a means to raise money so that children can have a dental check-up but has no problem finding the money to keep 22 members of parliament on minister pay for up to 6 months.  The average pay is 992.000 kr per month! Multiply that by 22 and it is 21.824.000 kr per month. If the government paid down the  dental check-up for each child 5.000 kr,( my kids check-up was about 6.000kr) 202 children could go to the dentist each day! That is over 4.300 per month and over 52.000 per year. Only 49.223 children went to the dentist last year.  The government has the money; is just that they would rather spend it on themselves. Shame on us for believing the bullshit that comes out of these politicians' mouths.


mbl.is 22 á ráðherralaunum
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1 Smámynd: Heimir Tómasson

Hear hear.

Heimir Tómasson, 24.5.2009 kl. 08:36

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