A Sudden Change of Mind
25.5.2009 | 16:08
Finally the kreppa has made it's way, after an apparently long journey, into the halls of the Althing. The members of the Althing will no longer be able to have "assistants" to help them with all the difficult work at the taxpayers expense. Looks like they will actually have to bear the workload themselves for the paltry 750.000 to 850.000 kr per month salary they make. If the members still find the need for an assistant, they can do like the rest of us do and hire one, and pay for that person out of their own pocket. I wonder how many members would need assistants then?
The big question that needs to be asked is "How are they going to get anything done without their trusty assistants?" Hopefully, with the government that is is charge, they will not be able to do much. With ideas like joining the European Union, banning whaling, or a sugar tax (as if we are not taxed enough), one has to start to wonder, nervously, just exactly where this is all headed. The real fear is that doing not much might actually be the real plan; so the Icelanders, beaten and bankrupt, will have no other choice but to sell their national soul and join the EU, which is the only true goal of Samfylking.
I told many people that I thought Icelanders would never join the EU. There is really no great benefit in doing so and the Icelanders have worked too hard for their independence and their fishing grounds to vote it all away and join the EU. But the crisis could worsen here and many people could begin to feel as if they have other choice.
Just recently, a friend of mine was talking to a group of people in the Egilsstaður and they started to tell him that maybe joining the EU was not such a bad idea. My friend replied, "No, it is not a bad idea to let Brussels make decisions for Iceland. After all, Reykjavík has always considered the issues of Egilsstaður when making decisions so I am sure Brussels will do the same for Iceland." The people in the group, for some reason, suddenly changed their minds.
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