More Republican Hypocracy

Normally I could care less about any politican having an affair.  They are just regular people, believe it or not, and their personal life should really have nothing to do with their jobs.  Except of course when the politician is a conservative Republican who feels the need push his social agenda on the rest of the country, as Senator Ensign is and does. The best part of his affair is that he is a born again Christian. Well someone needs to tell Ensign that to be born again is not to be taken literally.  There is no need to try to get back into a woman to be "born again".  Another funny fact that should be mentioned is he was a member of the group Promise Keepers, a male evangelical group that promotes marital fidelity.  I love that I don't need to make stuff like this up.  Life is so full of real comedy.

During the impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998, Ensign, who was a Senate candidate, called on Clinton to resign. But Ensign has no plans himself to step down. Can you say -HYPOCRITE? When asked what he planned to do now that his affair is out in public, Ensign stated that he remains committed to his Senate duties.  I hope not in the same way he was committed to his faith, his wife, and his values.

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1 identicon

what a good blog entry and I so agree with you! Those conservative Republicans are always pointing the finger at someone else and criticizing and then it turns out that they are no better themselves!

Iris (IP-tala skráð) 17.6.2009 kl. 09:48

2 Smámynd: Nostradamus


 # Republicans...

# US politics...

# USA in general...

Nostradamus, 17.6.2009 kl. 12:01

3 identicon

Væri nú ekki viðeigandi að á íslenskri bloggsíðu væru svör íslenskra lesenda á íslensku?

Tobbi (IP-tala skráð) 17.6.2009 kl. 14:47

4 Smámynd: Gregg Thomas Batson




USA in general? That's a bit harsh. The US still does a lot of good in the world.  When I can think of some example I'll get back to you.


People are free to answer in whatever language they choose.  The fact that the blog is somehow connected to Iceland does not dictate the language that should or should not be used.  And it is more than just Icelanders who read this blog. Því miður. (This always gets translated as "unfortunatley" but I prefer to use "too bad")


Gregg Thomas Batson, 18.6.2009 kl. 17:41

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